Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Script - Draft 1

Script Draft 1

Arthur is chasing the thief around the college complex as classes take place. He has his hands on another students wallet, taking with them not only all of the students cash and some rather expensive concert tickets. They are running at high speed, crashing into doorways and running into the few students in the corridors. The thief often attempts to slam doors in Arthurs face, and once shoves a pot down in front of him. Arthur leaps over the pot and pushes through the door. Determination shows on his face, all of his investigations have come down to this moment. The thief is, as of yet, unidentified and is wearing a hoody, obscuring his face throughout.

There is rumbling heard from the classrooms as they pass. Arthur quickly checks his watch; its the end of class. This only increases his determination, but the thief shows no sign of slowing.

Suddenly, students burst from a classroom in front of Arthur, slowing him considerably as he briefly loses his target. However, he does not lose him for long as he is also blocked by a class leaving their room.

The chase continues through the students fleeing their classes. Many students are pushed out of the way; shouts of discontent follow them down the corridors. The thiefs actions become more frantic as Arthur narrows her lead, shouting for the students to get out of his way as the chase gains many staring looks.

Sebastian leaves his History class and is nearly knocked down by the thief.
Seb: [shocked] What?
Sebastian is then shoved out of the way by Arthur.
Seb: [shocked, flustered] Arthur, what?

Sebastian joins the chase, though less urgently than Arthur and looks very confused by the whole thing. He trails somewhat behind Arthur, and apologises to the students being shoved out of the way.

The chase continues, the participants heading toward the staircase. Teachers and students alike are now running in tow, but none as fast as the thief or Arthur. Arthur remains silent, sweat trickling down his determined face. Sebastian is trying to explain that he has no idea what is going on to a teacher while keeping up with Arthur, and hes failing.

The thief bursts through the doors to the stairway, scattering students. As soon as the door starts to swing shut, Arthur bursts though, followed by Sebastian and a group of teachers.

The thief is running erratically, and stumbles down the stairs. The thief shouts out in pain. Its higher pitched, most defiantly female. As she tumbles down the stairs, Arthur and Sebastian stand at the top and wait for her to finish tumbling.

There is a moment of silence as the thief lies there, unmoving. Arthur skips down the stairs and carefully removes the wallet from her hand. He checks over the contents and throws it up to Sebastian, who fumbles but catches it. Arthur reaches into her hoody pocket and removes the concert tickets. As he stands, he removes the thieves hood.
Under the hood is Roxie, wincing in pain and silently crying. Sebastian gasps; Arthur simply walks back up the stairs and hands the concert tickets to a teacher. Teachers and students have gathered around, and two teachers go down to take Roxie away.
As Roxie is taken away, limping and still crying, Arthur and Sebastian stand at the top of the stairs. Arthur is staring at the space where Roxie fell in shock, and Arthur is looking into the distance.

Art: [plain] She stole Jasons wallet. He had two concert tickets in there worth over two hundred pounds, plus seventy pounds spending money.
Sebastian remains silent.
Art: [still plain] She tried to run. She wanted to get out of the building before class ended. She thought I was in Physics, but, if you remember, my Physics lesson was cancelled because my tutor is ill with pneumonia.

Seb: [shaken] But why? Shes been helping us solve the string of thefts around college all month, why would she betray us now?
Art: Oh, she never betrayed us, Sebastian. Shes been playing you all along. Didnt you see her wince when we handed over Juliet, but last week?
Cut to faded scene of said event
Art: Did you not see her try and pull us in the wrong direction in the case of the stolen rings?
Cut to faded scene of said event
Art: Didnt you notice the relief on her face each time the thief got away?
Cut to faded images of said event

Art: She had it in for us all along, Sebastian. She wasnt with us, she was against us. We just brought down all of her associates, she didnt have any left to rely on, so she had to take action herself. Thats why it was her this time. It was obvious from the start it was her. Ill? Roxie had perfect attendance, par skiving, from Primary until now. She never missed a day of school, not unless she was with her friends and they were skiving together. But her friends have been here the whole time.

Seb: [betrayed] But why, Arthur? Why have a ring of thieves to begin with?

Arthur walks away, leaving Sebastian to think. He shakes his head, then follows after Arthur.

Cut to classroom.
Roxie is sat with her head on the desk. She looks distraught. Arthur bursts in, followed by Sebastian, who is looking betrayed. Arthur simply looks angry.

Rox: Arthur, Seb, you have to believe me, I didnt have a choice!
Art: Of course you had a choice! Dont act innocent; I know why you did it! You know I know why you did it!
Seb: All this time, Roxie? You stuck to us, befriended [he glances at Arthur] me, but all this time you were betraying us? Why, Roxie? Why?
Art: [a little exasperated] Im afraid thats obvious as well, Sebastian.
Art: You see, Roxie never got the attention she wanted. She was perfect in every way she could be; charismatic, popular, smart, funny, punctual But she never got the praise she deserved. She never got any attention, she never got any prizes. So she set out simply to get some. Thats why she was so interested in me. I get the attention, but, in her eyes, I am so much less than her. Its a shame, really
Roxie cuts in
Rox: No! That wasnt it! Sure it was a part of it, but-
Arthur cuts in
Art: There was so much more, wasnt there? You wanted to impress your friends, you wanted to impress your parents, you wanted to impress the world, even! How far do you think you would have had to go before you reached that goal? Youre smart, Roxie, think about it!

Art: You went about this whole ridiculous ring of thieves thing, hoping it would expand into a sort of epidemic, with you at the top, and me running around trying to solve it. To no avail, you thought. Ha! If it ever came to that I would eat my torn jeans! You wanted to feel better than me, to impressed people. You missed a crucial point, though. A secret ring of thieves has to stay secret for it to work. That means no praise, no recognition and no one would be impressed!

Roxie: But I did want you to find out, to solve it... With my help!
Art: [taken aback] But... That would mean the end of your whole charade... But... Why?

Roxie: [exasperated] You think you know everything, Arthur, and I was very close to believing you, once. But you dont understand emotion, Arthur! You understand logic! What I did wasnt logical, so you arent going to understand!

Art: What was is then?
Rox: Not what, who. Sebastian, please
Arthur storms out, Sebastian lingers for a moment then shakes his head and follows. Roxie is left the wallow in her pity.

Cut to after last lesson.

Sebastian is waiting for Arthur outside his Maths class. Arthur comes out and they start walking out of college together. They walk in silence, not a glance between the two as they walk down the flight of stairs alone and walk out through the door.
Seb: Arthur?
Art: Yes?
Seb: Can we ever trust her again?
Art: We couldn't trust her to begin with... I never did. She wasn't the trustworthy type. Too attention seeking, you see...
Arthur rattles on a little
Seb: [blurts out] I don't agree with what she said!
Stunned silence
Seb: About you not understanding emotion that is. I think you do, you just... Don't like it, I suppose.
As they pass the threshold, Arthur slips his hand into Sebastians. Fade to black.

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